A Different Kind of Internship
After just a few days, I can already tell that my internship experience will likely be different from my classmates’ experiences. For example, I’ll be working at the Durham office only on Monday mornings and Wednesday afternoons. I’ll work remotely the rest of the time, more than likely from my apartment (or perhaps from a coffee shop if I’m feeling adventurous). I’m pretty excited about this work schedule because it’ll save me tons of money in gas, as well as spare me the headache of a daily commute. Best of all, it’ll help me reduce my carbon footprint too.
Since we will work remotely most of the time, the other Green Plus employees and I will use technology to maintain contact and accountability. When we’re working from home, we’ll stay logged into our Gmail accounts. That way, if we have any questions for each other, we can use Google Chat. Google Chat also lets us update our statuses, so we can see what everyone else is working on—or where they are working from—that day. It seems like we will be using Google Docs and Google Calendars extensively as well.
Although I like the flexible schedule, I still look forward to my days in the Durham office. Green Plus is a member of Bull City Forward, a nonprofit organization that “enables social entrepreneurs” in the Durham area. It operates out of Bull City Forward’s office space. Green Plus shares this office space with other Bull City Forward organizations, so I’ll meet a wide variety of people when I’m there. Bull City Forward also organizes a number of social activities for interns, which I’m looking forward to as well.
Look for my post next Monday, in which I’ll discuss my first stabs at improving the How To Guide, as well as my upcoming client communication training!