Well, I’m back from a very relaxing vacation! I missed posting last week, but a little beach time was much appreciated!
As I get back into the swing of things, I was reflecting on how much I have learned during my time with the Guilford County Resource and Referral Center. Between my undergraduate degree being in Nonprofit Management and my almost five years working in nonprofits, it was extremely rewarding to realize that no matter how many different courses you take, or books you read, the nuts and bolts of nonprofit management always come down to the same 8-10 principles or practices.
At this point in my internship, we are still focusing on the Center for Nonprofit capacity building project. This coming Tuesday, I’ll be heading to the NC Center to meet with their staff, pitch our ideas about the capacity building project, and listen to their feedback. With only another 3 weeks or so, I’m excited to head into the final days of this project!