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It takes all kinds…

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By Ashley Brown, on July 30, 2013

Greetings Blogosphere,

First, I’d like to take a moment to recognize that all over this nation, there are thousands of young law school graduates crammed into auditoriums, taking the bar exam.  They’ve undoubtedly had one of the worst summers of their lives but they are about to embark on a new life adventure as board-certified law professionals (well, the optimist in me would like to think that ALL of them will be board-certified after Wednesday).  Good luck to them – there is a light at the end of the tunnel.  I don’t envy you.  (My fellow blogger, Nick, will one day be in their shoes – so you can start sending  good luck vibes his way now).

I’ve been fortunate to make several friends who have attended law school the past three years, including at UNC Law.   They are all talented and bright individuals who are not only going to do great on the Bar Exam, but in the full extent of their chosen careers.  I am even more proud that some of them are interested in a path of public service.

I have worked in some sort of public service capacity since I was in college.  I helped organize my campus’ Relay for Life (a fundraiser for the American Cancer Society); my first job out of college was working at a nonprofit in Nashville, Tennessee; the past two years I’ve had an internship at the State Archives; and this summer I’ve been the management intern at Carrboro.  Each experience has been extremely different and each person I’ve met through these experiences has come to public service in a unique way with distinctive focus.  From social workers and doctors to public administrators and librarians— there are so many pathways to public services and each one adds value to the greater society we share.

The way I’ve gotten to this point has been unexpected but worthwhile.  I’ve had mentors who knew their exact path and others who just kind of wound up serving the greater good. And, it’s just not the careerists who contribute but the volunteers, the advocates, and so many others. It’s a nice reminder that it takes all kinds in the world.  So tomorrow, while I sit at my office chair, I am going to be grateful for my unique path to public service – and more importantly I am going to be grateful that my particular path didn’t include a two-day extensive exam in Raleigh.  But best of luck to those who did wind up on that road! You’re going to do awesome.



Tags: public service | Categories: Town of Carrboro | No Comments
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