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Oh politics…

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By Meagan McDougall, on June 23, 2015

Hello all!

During these past two weeks, unfortunately I haven’t had too many chances to leave the office and attend meetings as much as in prior weeks. No two days are exactly the same in a nonprofit though and the activity levels definitely peak and trough with the flow of new work coming in and prospective business people wanting to survey potential sites. Earlier this week I did get the chance to sit down with someone in another county office about one of my projects to avoid a turf issue and am glad that now that issue is a bit more clear, I can move forward on that once again. I didn’t say much at the meeting to avoid a “new person threat” as my coworker put it earlier but in short the direction of the project has been shifted in an effort to appease all parties. It was an interesting play of politics but that’s government for ya.

At the end of this week, I was given some data to focus on cleaning and turning into a clear presentation for the EDC’s President and Board of Directors and I can’t express how enjoyable the small things like that are for me. Being able to put the presentation skills we learned in Professor O’Brien’s class during the fall semester into practice in an applicable way and actually be able to compare the difference from using a pie chart and a bar graph is so rewarding. It’s the little things that make a huge difference in a presentation.

I’m officially halfway through my time here at the EDC. I can’t believe both how quickly the time has actually gone by as well as how much time there is left. Now is the time to seize all opportunities! I was able to attend a Pittsboro Business Association committee meeting on Friday to get a feel of what kinds of events they were planning and to see where the EDC could help them out and in another life I would be an event planner. All the details that have to go into it fascinates and excites me so much it’s weird haha. But they have some great things in the works that I hope I’m able to continue helping them with even throughout the school year!

Thanks again for reading!

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