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Did I say I’m drafting the Town of Hillsborough’s investment and debt policy? Because what I really meant was I’m drafting a whole list of their policies. 

I received this list soon after finishing my first project. It pretty much sums up the rest of my work here. Luckily, I easily retrieved copies of local government policies pertaining to (1) Cash Handling, (2) Ethics, (3) Fraud, (4) Gifts and Favors, (5) Gift Cards, (6) Inventory, Asset, and Donation Disposal, (7) Document Retention, (8) Grant and Donations, and (9) Travel Reimbursement.

Much of my work applies the White Goods Lesson, which emphasizes the unique language of law. The state distinguishes real property from personal property: real property is land and property attached to the land such as buildings, structures, improvements, or permanent fixtures (§105-273(13)), while personal property describes non-permanent items like boats, furniture, or even patents (§105-273(14) and §105-273(8)). To adhere to state mandates for property disposal, the Town must distinguish the type of property with its value and purpose as different rules apply. 

I hope to finish this project by the end of June because as one person in history once said, “Ideas are easy. Implementation is hard.” If I can complete the project ahead of schedule, I’ll have more time for feedback and can make edits while I’m still around.


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