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‘Twas the night before….Program Evaluation

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By Safa Sajadi, on May 26, 2010

Wallet? Check. Notebook? Check. Car keys? Check.  As my mind races through the inventory of items I need, I can’t help but feel a sense of excitement before the big day! I have waited for this day to come! Tomorrow is the first day of my summer internship at the Program Evaluation Division (PED) for the North Carolina General Assembly.

Three years ago, PED was established to be a central, non-partisan staff unit of the Legislative Services Commission and the Joint Legislative Program Evaluation and Oversight Committee, through Session Law 2007-78.  PED’s mission is complex but simple, mainly to evaluate whether public services are delivered in an effective and efficient manner and in accordance with the law.   According to the Triangle Business Journal, “PED is designed to fulfill a role similar on the state level to that of the Government Accountability Office in the federal government.”  Hard work, persistence, advanced research and analytical skills administered by a full time staff make this a reality.

These qualities coupled with a lifelong fascination of state and federal issues make PED the best place for me to serve as an intern.  This summer I anticipate working on a variety of projects.  PED is interesting in that the work plan is developed by the Joint Legislative Program Evaluation Oversight Committee and adopted as law.  It is my hope that through working on these projects I gain valuable insight about not only evaluation techniques but also about North Carolina state programs.  This knowledge will complement my Master of Public Administration courses as well as the MPA capstone project, which is required for graduation.  But before I get a head of myself a good nights sleep awaits.

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One Response to “‘Twas the night before….Program Evaluation”

  1. Andrew

    Sounds like a fast paced and demanding environment, especially if they are comparable to the GAO at the state level. You are going to be situation in a position in which administrative and concerns (effectiveness, efficency) clash against local interests and parochial attitudes.

    Definitely an interesting story to follow!

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